Distribution Automatique

Wednesday, April 30

Today, from -Heathens In Heat-

Great aphorism or adage from Jordan today: "All work is the avoidance of harder work."....
Our moralization of the work ethic, labor as an end in itself and ownership has made us lazy and worst of all, as Marx knew, stupid, in too many ways to fully diagnose.
posted by David at 7:11 AM

Hey Dave, can't resist chiming in with my own maxim on this topic, from *Boundary of Blur* (1993) :

Everyone must have a night world and a day world. And often, this day world is as afraid of unleashed work, as the night one is of unleashed love."

And, since you mention Marx, David, what about Freud's notion that life consists of two main activities: "Lieben und arbeiten" (work and love).