Distribution Automatique

Friday, December 31

Distribution Automatique, 1980

Distribution Automatique, 1980

Distribution Automatique

I made this photocollage in 1980.
I happened to be living here in
Park Slope at the time, on Garfield
Place, right
around the corner from where
I live now,

Soon after, I was invited by
Susan Bee to show this
collage at the Wordworks Show
at P. S. 122, which included
Susan, Johanna Drucker and

At the top you can see a small metal
box, which probably contained hypodermic
needles. Other collage elements are
pasted inside the box, top and bottom.
This little box was found on the ground
in Marrakesh, Morocco,
where I visited for a few
months in 1969 (not long after
making my first collage, shown
below). Many of the elements in
the collage were from magazines I
had saved from the hourse I lived
in as a child in Bay Ridge in the late 1950's.
These were turn of the century French

The title, *Distribution Automatique* anticipates,
in a sense, today's weblogs. I was exploring
the interelationship of various kind of media,
and imagining a future telecommunication environment
that encompasses, intercombines and transmits media and time periods
by means of "automatic" distrilbution. Not
long ago, Google decided to post on the web all copyright
free books that might be made available.
The collage contains pieces of film, recording
tape, photos, a section
of a vinyl record, and other materials.