Distribution Automatique

Friday, March 11

"We are truly fed up
with mental machines of peace & war
nuclear monoxide brains, cancerous computers
motors sucking our hearts of blood
that once sang the choruses of natural birds!
We've had enough dynamos and derricks
thud-thud-thudding valves & pulleys
of the Devil Mankin's invention/And soon
if they aren't *silenced*
and we survive the sacrifical altars
of the automobile god and the vulvas of steel
spitting molecular madness

if the complete crowd-manacled Machine
isn't *dissolved, back into the Earth*
from where its elements were stolen/
*we shall call on*
the Great Ocean Wave
Neter of waters
and the king of Atlantis & his snake-spirits
otherwise known as/Orcus/Dagon & Drack!
to send up calamitous tidal waves
-a thousand feel high if need be-
to bury all the monster metal cities
and their billion, bullioned wheels of chemical death!..."

*Selected Poems 1943-1966*, City Lights #20

Phillip Lamantia
10/23/27- 3/11/05